Thursday, June 26, 2014

I Believe That We Will Win!

Over here at the Hamme [rhymes with Mom] House, we are soccer fans. 
The TV has been on non-stop World Cup coverage since it began. 
[I can honestly say that I think I have seen a little bit of EVERY game...SAHM bonus right there] 

Living in Chicago has many perks, one of them being that it is the US Soccer headquarters and they have been having LIVE viewing parties downtown. So of course we went...with our 9 month old.

 And she LOVED it! We were there for 6 hours and she absolutely loved it. We have known this, but she is definitely an extrovert. She gets so energized when she is around people. Especially lots of people. Clapping and cheering people. 

 Naturally, she thought they were clapping/cheering for her.

Oh. And I breastfed in public [no cover] for the first time in the park. 
Mama power!

We had such a great day.

These are the things I will miss about city living. Time to soak up all this city has to offer. 


#ibelieve  #letsgoUSA

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Emmah: Nine Months

Weight: 17 lbs
Sleep: 9pm, 12am, 2am, 4am, 6am, 8am...phew, Mama is TIRED
Clothing: 6-9mos/9mos, but her little squishy self needs 12 mos bottoms now
Likes: pickles! the Frozen soundtrack, morning cuddles, going for walks/runs, shaking your head "no"
Dislikes: car seat, naps, green peas
Milestones: Your 5th & 6th teeth came in this month, scooting on your back, holding your baby food pouch to eat, pulling yourself up and standing

Emmah bear, time is flying by and you are growing so fast. This past month we visited with Grandma, Grandpa & Auntie Devan in Delaware. They cannot believe how big you are! Most days, the only way you will sleep is when you are in the stroller/car-seat/high chair. I think it is because your teeth that came in and now you may be getting more.
You do not mind sour things, you have sucked on a lime, lemon, pickle, and none of them phased you! Now whenever Mama eats a pickle, you demand that I share, so I do [you even take a bite!]. Pickles are the only not-pureed thing you like to eat. You still love music, especially the Frozen soundtrack [Do you wanna build a snowmaaaaaan?] You also like to shake your head back and forth like you are responding "no" to us. It is quite hilarious. You love to stand up and hold our hands and you even pulled yourself up while you were taking a bath. 
You are just the most beautiful baby on the planet and we love you so much. I can't believe you will be ONE year old in three months!

Friday, June 20, 2014

One of Those Days

Today was one of those days. 
One of those days that when Emmah woke up, I rolled out of bed and said "we're going to Starbucks!"

It really has been one of those months, to be honest. Emmah has refused to nap lately and is waking up almost every two hours at night. This mama is getting no sleep. On top of this, I am struggling to find the balance

The balance I have been so deperately seeking since Emmah turned 6 months old. I finally felt like I was [somewhat] back to my normal self, but here I am 3 months later feeling less than adequate. The day I feel like the best Mom, I feel like a terrible wife [did I even say one kind thing to my husband today or did I only ask him to take the garbage out?] Other than yesterday, I couldn't tell you the last time I cooked dinner. Our poor furbabies probably think I hate them. I wear running shorts and a t-shirt most days [Do I run? Not most days. But I do walk! Most days.] And "me-time"...who is me again? [seriously, who am I?]

Starbucks didn't help this morning. 
Exhaustion combined with a fussy baby who didn't want to leave Mama's side brought me to tears. Mike took Emmah, told me to take a few minutes to myself, and reminded me to run to Jesus.
 I opened the good book and God spoke. 

"The LORD sets prisoners free"
[Psalm 146:7]


This is what God offers me daily. 
He offers me freedom from the pressures of being the best at everything. He tells me that I am enough. Even if dinner is PB&Js three nights this week, I am enough. He tells me that we have enough. He tells me to live more simply. He tells me that comparison is the thief of joy.

He sets me free.

We're working on finding the balance. 

Mamas, did you struggle with finding balance? What did you do?