Wednesday, November 20, 2013

One & Two Month Favorites

1. Summer Infant SwaddleMe: These are awesome. No need to have to worry about being a swaddling pro. These do the job for you. I even packed these in my hospital bag.
2. Rock N Play: Emmah slept in this for the first few weeks. When we laid her flat on her back, she would spit up and make this gasping/choking noise that scared the dickens out of me. This way, she was tilted up a bit, and it solved the problem!
3. BabyGanics Hand Sanitizer: I had these all over the house. I don't know why, but it was much easier/less offensive to ask people that were visiting to say "here, please use this first" (while simultaneously squirting it in their hands so they had no choice) than to ask them to go wash their hands. But this brand is alcohol-free which is supposedly better for baby.
4. Cozy Cover: This made life much easier (i.e. no blankets flying off your baby and singing farewell as it floats away down the street) Obviously you do not need this in the summer or if you live somewhere warm, but here in Chicago, this winter has been brutal. It stretches around the car seat and keeps baby warm like a winter jacket!
5. Chicco Infant Carrier: So far this carrier has worked great for us. We haven't tried any others, but this one works for both Mommy AND Daddy. 
6. Baby Aquaphor: THE BEST DIAPER RASH OINTMENT. We tried Butt Paste and both types of Desitin. This has worked the best and doesn't stink.
7. Pacifiers: These are the only pacifiers Emmah would take! 
8. Baby Swing: This was the only thing Emmah could stand to be in longer than 10 minutes (besides our arms), and she would often sleep in it too!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Emmah: Two Months

Weight: 11.9 lbs
Height: 23 inches
Sleep: Sleeping 2-4 hours at a time (in Mommy & Daddy's bed)
Clothing size: 0-3 mos
Likes: bath time, loud music, playing on activity mat in the boppy
Dislikes: being alone for more than 30 seconds, Huggies diapers and the chemical rash/burn that came with it!
Milestones: starting to grab things

This month has been so much fun. 
We have watched you become more and more alert each day.
You have noticed the toys hanging from your activity mat and grabbed the bunny's ear on your rattle.  At the beginning of November, you got a chemical rash/burn from a Huggies diaper and Mommy just about lost her cool. A mother's love is truly like no other.
We have used facetime to talk to Grandma & Grandpa this month and you love it!
They love you so much. And so do we!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Postpartum: 8 Weeks

Pre-pregnancy weight: 123 lbs
Pre-delivery weight: 168 lbs
Post-delivery weight: 148 lbs
Current weight: 134 lbs

I am down 6 lbs since my last update at 6 weeks postpartum. Clean eating and P90X has been going really well these past two weeks. I missed two workouts (one day I just didn't have the time and the other I was just too exhausted) but was able to continue on without getting discouraged.

10-15 lbs to go!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Postpartum: 6 Weeks

Pre-pregnancy weight: 123 lbs
Pre-delivery weight: 168 lbs
Post-delivery weight: 148 lbs
Current weight: 140 lbs
Recovery: My body feels great, I haven't had any aches or pains since the first week. My bleeding finally stopped (I was starting to get worried). Everything looked great at my 6 week postpartum appointment and I got cleared to start exercising!
Baby Blues: GONE! They only lasted about a week. I am finally feeling like myself!

To lose the rest of the weight I gained during my pregnancy, (20 lbs to go!) Mike & I are doing P90X and watching what we eat. We have had a lot of success with the program in the past and are looking forward to getting back into it. AND I am entering a weight loss competition to keep me motivated!

Wish me luck!