Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Journey to the Windy City

The journey was magical, exciting, exhilarating!

The journey was…rough.

But the journey was worth it.

Mike & I decided to move for various reasons. 

And I was ready.  I liked change.

Or so I thought.

The actual process of moving was not so bad, I had 4 boys helping load and unload the truck, so that was easy. The drive from the east coast to Chicago was fine. We stopped plenty of times to let Marley go to the bathroom (and ourselves). We stopped a few hours away from Chicago, in Michigan to get some rest. We woke up the next day and drove into the city and got the keys to our new apartment.

An apartment that I wasn’t sure I could make a home.

An apartment that I didn’t pick out. That Mike choose while he was in Chicago for a month before he came back and got me.

An apartment that didn’t have any of our things in it. Our stuff that makes our house feel like a home.

And that’s when it hit me.

The tears.

The tears came when I realized that there wasn’t a drawer for my silverware in the whole kitchen.

“We have no jobs.”
“I can’t believe I left my amazing job for this”
“What was Mike thinking leading us into this?!”
“There is NO way our bed will fit in this bedroom!?”
“This can’t be our home”

I panicked.

I let fear get the best of me.
I forgot who was in control. Who my solid ground is.

And then guilt.

“Why am I not walking in faith, trusting that God is in control of our lives?”

Fear robbed me of the excitement of a new place, and the moment to embrace the new adventure God has sent us on. Not to mention, made Mike feel terrible about the apartment he chose for us, thinking he made the wrong choice.

God does not want us to have a spirit of fear. Fear robs us of joy.

Mike prayed for me, I calmed down, God gave me eyes to see His goodness in this, and He reminded me of the excitement I felt earlier about this adventure.

I am so thankful that even though I am not always faithful, He always is and He has a plan.

It might not be the plan we expect or currently want, but it is what we need.

And in my experience, His plans are always greater than the ones I have thought of myself.

A week later, God has surpassed all expectations we had and He has confirmed that we are where we are supposed to be.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight.” 
Proverbs 3: 6-7

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

"And They're Off!"

Off to where?

Off to The Windy City!


Mike & I have moved to Chicago.

The journey was exhausting, but exciting.

AND worth it. But that’s another post.

THIS is now HOME.

Check back here to hear more about our adventure!

XO Stephanie